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    December 15, 2020
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Viewpoints er cry Malvern Daily Record - Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - 4 Protect yourself from scams this holiday season Woshington Today in HISTORY Like t2, ay se wi erent. of individalh. ot ech han changed. Tie he y velale A a sork an oponing irike. The boliday Sen John and all in addod ien. lea a pota Boozman tiy The Foderat Trade Ce se spiak y e TC) han born ining thoir phisting ai bighlighting heiday-ele ga a tipping o tebe even mere in ving ove he pon, al 1. he of Righes, e Sine amendmonts ko te ed sas is a br ca These mails m demand since they ae cang * ch chae beuS. Cintion woefect dowing nitication by Vie- i his pea O i apes pr he lom the tomail dnd k yon donan d de a chute. he speny US. P Servie- ity. The ie bere in myone e t S aa Chef Sing t1 oer i bon peoing he "12 her well-ka ipping at hiee may have got- pe in ir ten w kiod in Ornd Revn. S Ddta, dain w yo keip ph dty Chaitale The nd spen tof he day se w ea iee inha e yor device ha est seceny enher. This ye a he aTde . , the de ofo daten G cand any i ed of e ligighin ory wa Gn lyt tev. I. , Nte Man l t in hi cn. ng tet's de ichood ho daade pd popular tety. D'he d S A Ba od the pa, Update le iing dering De am alladthe des leie y Jeettoni pe In 19, the US. Sone nonod the geotid lo HA, w. Dol Ma is ra have a he hal e of ee s of a et cahier to parchae mon making the et. nlity, they me wounds He e g tot yo der wah ing ape i d ast. ing a Pak y en pe ptir fake vte he sek npl e vond dahder we hit, p pe shipmnts st pike daring bolidays. Thia yeat, Ponoct yound me fuilien opr o fling vietim by dag ape of the e LEESOd e. W Vgia ollol ink f waling, nd puher a c at f espylly omp 1 cocounge evnyone Chio R peele ang k in si. y prted srnder e d Chisman h wae re canfelly impoct Mwe e so keep neve nd nel caee C. Mar eeo elof theAr yow enee hegh e Hi' d e o COVID-9. let' e f WimD. Ley. Tree King n phiing cm that e Bay en ras o e e to e peCheter W N Adirah ofe that eals s no e hr t e la .oUS ed spacorat.CemAnd Ge lego h ad bedore he and h in he ngde e in . e Ser dpe betwom Gallips palg visit k la , Pido ay Cun d he wd g ined to bomes y incomin tede e c, i li C Ch Ne Ye he coy. Smen a aks lae s he reio ha ly a thie A lly. ng de he dey e yo ppela ping em in m a Keeg the eign, e i oweves wi the yd e lseliosw Tn can d eing tge atfd No C co s Repon a kat o en riminat. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICY The Ma e T st Hope and a Bright Day Ahead wi p p The Mwitp n O Thudas. the Ad ry C el D Adi re er of COVID-1 ie. C caly teo E wi prt wes .nd to that poi de aything e can e ll d drp de p I l eyone wi heat iadaleye i le e Chant ert ew met n a Tho |Weekly Review M l HOW TO REACH YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS N Ma g thoritioo m fit Coarirm vine ia the Cainad Stanen. Cey de wha tha m f Art Gov. Asa Th de Hutchinson Be ment in th pendemie e lac iget a ever. Tha Sa p iv ating D, t Seno 25.30 ig den ndo abo of- Saring Caty Ju Dei Now we cnve fornd ts A , per . wh oene nd be et of COVID The ap y tha h y that we will wia ght rar in thone B ean ter for e cine e ef g E y a mater of dep Iog he EDA delen he vir that ings. I lood the idea of k p he ier vacine ne tsa en of o populao family trom Linle Rock es in Arka. I heve i hi mt take the sho I have e sd ey ate poin celehe Chistm C e di ed aiation peogram nd ia fat, Se e oatide wond feopir. e L 10 k ca workm. The the er f pe ng the ocine whon i e inovatie ye o c t There will be hat de kae e wl contie pe aagtl holidas with- porine the va ied. th anghe vi. Da a D d the fint donag wi accelerate r imme sonfidonce a he cine. Ateny te nd of vacine wi ple we vise taty b a etrihaedr 9. M ing home Altogh i e Set hia it a i widly shold e cary ery there ll welte nd ry H mpta nd so e Cop ta Le's eem Fello w ogh vaccine te cver ovrod. B elief ation and stan mey ker, a e dv nd la i, peal od covD during e bopitals will p engoity of phere e w siilan Chritma Win e de C the dioritetion And then veical indey vohised wih the 3 W Wh ye New Ye e the wll sond d h the seporiofow led ands, Wear me l fa va , I cing deliveries l prten wil net i W yo ide tide e cn de We j wo wedk pa het dowe Thaksiving pde ndtn e Caa as l Se aitn Me E le M Th ool iveal ditution i everyone in eeed. al t and recd nt vulneratle cinine in evoryone in Aka ha dod pe in e victis. 501-337-7523 nelhed Teyogh e yM Day e Loe S PO M Maven "Small Town Saturday Night' will live in our minds forever Oe d S NO O TER thanges e AR 4 MAN DALY Eooro PO Hnf n h Kelly Freudenrng r IMusic de e sne y te Tw Saele Nh e tp pp ta e sdr n , aoly d S e o o a w w v pof A er moing when wor hoer eneom Kim ter Sarh Pery ede w y Crl News C Pi Brandon Rimm Ka Tommy wr or h M. K ant i de tod do pla pewe TKa Whoe d of Lon L. Pe yng pel. he nde ks aa ad ne chypingina for con of e". orti A Goa s na h doa'h ha gay whva r, Te Ck * S gha nd Ka te He e . i .y the K Es Seete Sal el he R e d y a e ay y nt of the pon i and p y lani de da dw s He w Mehete Cummine Asen M Teat ktum ded Jackson la d ele CPTION RATES e W'w i By Cae Cameren Coy Morh-S00 Monta Mts Mome-S00 Mortha-S00 75e K pde p p te o e o Maled rition 3Monthe-700 Moth 0 TThe 1 Monta SN ing he tw er e oleof n LNy ep yed ler ho d of kteodmf e an k i h des en pe n pme te R dy ha A hnep e he w lg d pr k y er l Cm Paaher reenves he Theteters ebity raverteng w Jai nd Seny de wt f p l and hal pof pih Viewpoints er cry Malvern Daily Record - Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - 4 Protect yourself from scams this holiday season Woshington Today in HISTORY Like t2, ay se wi erent. of individalh. ot ech han changed. Tie he y velale A a sork an oponing irike. The boliday Sen John and all in addod ien. lea a pota Boozman tiy The Foderat Trade Ce se spiak y e TC) han born ining thoir phisting ai bighlighting heiday-ele ga a tipping o tebe even mere in ving ove he pon, al 1. he of Righes, e Sine amendmonts ko te ed sas is a br ca These mails m demand since they ae cang * ch chae beuS. Cintion woefect dowing nitication by Vie- i his pea O i apes pr he lom the tomail dnd k yon donan d de a chute. he speny US. P Servie- ity. The ie bere in myone e t S aa Chef Sing t1 oer i bon peoing he "12 her well-ka ipping at hiee may have got- pe in ir ten w kiod in Ornd Revn. S Ddta, dain w yo keip ph dty Chaitale The nd spen tof he day se w ea iee inha e yor device ha est seceny enher. This ye a he aTde . , the de ofo daten G cand any i ed of e ligighin ory wa Gn lyt tev. I. , Nte Man l t in hi cn. ng tet's de ichood ho daade pd popular tety. D'he d S A Ba od the pa, Update le iing dering De am alladthe des leie y Jeettoni pe In 19, the US. Sone nonod the geotid lo HA, w. Dol Ma is ra have a he hal e of ee s of a et cahier to parchae mon making the et. nlity, they me wounds He e g tot yo der wah ing ape i d ast. ing a Pak y en pe ptir fake vte he sek npl e vond dahder we hit, p pe shipmnts st pike daring bolidays. Thia yeat, Ponoct yound me fuilien opr o fling vietim by dag ape of the e LEESOd e. W Vgia ollol ink f waling, nd puher a c at f espylly omp 1 cocounge evnyone Chio R peele ang k in si. y prted srnder e d Chisman h wae re canfelly impoct Mwe e so keep neve nd nel caee C. Mar eeo elof theAr yow enee hegh e Hi' d e o COVID-9. let' e f WimD. Ley. Tree King n phiing cm that e Bay en ras o e e to e peCheter W N Adirah ofe that eals s no e hr t e la .oUS ed spacorat.CemAnd Ge lego h ad bedore he and h in he ngde e in . e Ser dpe betwom Gallips palg visit k la , Pido ay Cun d he wd g ined to bomes y incomin tede e c, i li C Ch Ne Ye he coy. Smen a aks lae s he reio ha ly a thie A lly. ng de he dey e yo ppela ping em in m a Keeg the eign, e i oweves wi the yd e lseliosw Tn can d eing tge atfd No C co s Repon a kat o en riminat. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICY The Ma e T st Hope and a Bright Day Ahead wi p p The Mwitp n O Thudas. the Ad ry C el D Adi re er of COVID-1 ie. C caly teo E wi prt wes .nd to that poi de aything e can e ll d drp de p I l eyone wi heat iadaleye i le e Chant ert ew met n a Tho |Weekly Review M l HOW TO REACH YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS N Ma g thoritioo m fit Coarirm vine ia the Cainad Stanen. Cey de wha tha m f Art Gov. Asa Th de Hutchinson Be ment in th pendemie e lac iget a ever. Tha Sa p iv ating D, t Seno 25.30 ig den ndo abo of- Saring Caty Ju Dei Now we cnve fornd ts A , per . wh oene nd be et of COVID The ap y tha h y that we will wia ght rar in thone B ean ter for e cine e ef g E y a mater of dep Iog he EDA delen he vir that ings. I lood the idea of k p he ier vacine ne tsa en of o populao family trom Linle Rock es in Arka. I heve i hi mt take the sho I have e sd ey ate poin celehe Chistm C e di ed aiation peogram nd ia fat, Se e oatide wond feopir. e L 10 k ca workm. The the er f pe ng the ocine whon i e inovatie ye o c t There will be hat de kae e wl contie pe aagtl holidas with- porine the va ied. th anghe vi. Da a D d the fint donag wi accelerate r imme sonfidonce a he cine. Ateny te nd of vacine wi ple we vise taty b a etrihaedr 9. M ing home Altogh i e Set hia it a i widly shold e cary ery there ll welte nd ry H mpta nd so e Cop ta Le's eem Fello w ogh vaccine te cver ovrod. B elief ation and stan mey ker, a e dv nd la i, peal od covD during e bopitals will p engoity of phere e w siilan Chritma Win e de C the dioritetion And then veical indey vohised wih the 3 W Wh ye New Ye e the wll sond d h the seporiofow led ands, Wear me l fa va , I cing deliveries l prten wil net i W yo ide tide e cn de We j wo wedk pa het dowe Thaksiving pde ndtn e Caa as l Se aitn Me E le M Th ool iveal ditution i everyone in eeed. al t and recd nt vulneratle cinine in evoryone in Aka ha dod pe in e victis. 501-337-7523 nelhed Teyogh e yM Day e Loe S PO M Maven "Small Town Saturday Night' will live in our minds forever Oe d S NO O TER thanges e AR 4 MAN DALY Eooro PO Hnf n h Kelly Freudenrng r IMusic de e sne y te Tw Saele Nh e tp pp ta e sdr n , aoly d S e o o a w w v pof A er moing when wor hoer eneom Kim ter Sarh Pery ede w y Crl News C Pi Brandon Rimm Ka Tommy wr or h M. K ant i de tod do pla pewe TKa Whoe d of Lon L. Pe yng pel. he nde ks aa ad ne chypingina for con of e". orti A Goa s na h doa'h ha gay whva r, Te Ck * S gha nd Ka te He e . i .y the K Es Seete Sal el he R e d y a e ay y nt of the pon i and p y lani de da dw s He w Mehete Cummine Asen M Teat ktum ded Jackson la d ele CPTION RATES e W'w i By Cae Cameren Coy Morh-S00 Monta Mts Mome-S00 Mortha-S00 75e K pde p p te o e o Maled rition 3Monthe-700 Moth 0 TThe 1 Monta SN ing he tw er e oleof n LNy ep yed ler ho d of kteodmf e an k i h des en pe n pme te R dy ha A hnep e he w lg d pr k y er l Cm Paaher reenves he Theteters ebity raverteng w Jai nd Seny de wt f p l and hal pof pih