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    December 15, 2020
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TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2020 SEE WHO THE ATHLETE OF THE WEEK IS ON PAGE 3 Things to See: Chamber News. PAGE S - HSC Christmas PAGE 67 Malvern HOT SPRING COUNTY DAILY RECORD Hot. Saring County's ONLY Daily News Source Since 19161 219 LOCUST STREET, MALVERN, AR 72104 VOLUME 90 NUMBER 168 www.MALVERN-ONLINE.COM 75 Organization hosts Breakfast with Santa event HAPTY HOLIDAVS The u ele tae id Se m lol chhes in b by Gas S S The CALLCtu Garn Spring Sering Cio ety ve deved eda th S n g eo elp Gris Mae rtle wihh a be te de he C C egh no pring The CALA tewide a hoes t pt n rm ce dile ed vole d fuilie n addn of hd ag er i Gelnd tr Gri Spring oties. During il The CALL he hy the et e tpide ed ie aile w r e we h ho oh pde entof ho d e The evetwd a ernt ele She elpod wi 10 ly mo Days till CHRISTMAS Reminder: Christmas dinners pe A n et Volunteers Paty Grigon wt Stey Herry fom Kem Memoral Unted Mehodet ww ne e coronient nd lpol ene ed y e ch poot Church in Malven help wth the Breskdant wth Santa event hooted by The CALL e COWD available Santa page foster care organiton or Garand and ot fpring County Business owner reflects on Small Business Saturday program Wednesday y Gs S By Gr e Sa S W Spralia on ber wis the pod conisted of-Ark prie package Dering e Sp Sal s Frist, Ctthe C F Main S. Pap grm Desig Ce Atrdahe e in he hine en an Yan Co, Coy t Vy h l nd bhansas yorh do Te help shineap do Manere dering the holiday s he Sal sie S day. Shop Small op avm ort pgra enceeded espoctatio u agc The Malver Dee Developme Corpoti hoed he ve Lor i Hulherg all e hasiness ie do wy s of gin Fashi, B F Thi To-G and in cenic te. ee's Cosige. Frchanein, i Reagia, D. Da and Ce Se divia vinitod cach pu The Pt Fee. B Two ded dm be Ma" Waledey epie g pm N SHOP SMALL ipting ine Cich Sporting Gode malete pe. Then w let siga h ka ing Dia er. dhe p Bing l ed ine oner. Hel- paupon ery h be eligte towin Shpen hen lun d hg skong wih all or the M G A peport w their d Malvere ai paklin de and conta inormation en havr pr COVD ic.i the lat tsines th they c pa nai e bow Mahom of Arkaa Yar Ce. elt honoed sbe diting witae apart of des spvil et imce opening ber t n downtoe Malere, he Moels han been a Meing Pichuredis Becky Spradn he wie e aeeportety package by partctingin the Smal Busness Set e ertoconne eve ihe cem y fa My Coo mene in e ty de noceary re hop SmalShop Malven Pansport ppg aamall son m Maherehe Saterday ster dowet menchat hat o condho merhant. Helbe Wae Chund Huh is l a Thakging nd he orga patcigd e Sall id al ie N A nlou l ve vited mil ding e Maves by their ere. ded pm d in r inotionoe Heheg alo added i co e Sars pre alled ali at Ne e . wih the commeity d ih potivity he ore than leed l d The m of the Viry bero de M S mghaid hon l ta r y i owmo evvop e that iee ppn S Shop Melvem give hack so at came imo cach e d. boport pgrm wld the gratlate ey s i Cpa Seopei e co y evetihe irlii i Helherg meimed, he putiripa and that d ol oh kwnome o y eses hat part pleere hening them First doses of coronavirus vaccine administered in Arkansas LIT ROKK, Fie hea wen, Per l Cer The vcines aived Depa i e. The an- Mae M taling e 's rpo peter BiNTh cor COVID-1 id 12 coVID priest ponoral, wee the tiee so be Mondag moing and tha nge in Aran nd he C nd the sate I Sprtng Coy Nambers Tol Cie Ca S2 Contmed C dey began al ing e of o id dring w der ie ew t ot de US. Ama Mae of de Mr vie a wd e Arka pd lter e de The oednd poe vi Te i e ahh Departmem. The d thie m c p acid She wi p Ketial, e depan le wken. 135 o ch ok. And la Akama TA7. Fnyew mo wock, the Food and Dreg peple a ded vi dele mem's aning diroctor f Heth Setetary D. am COVID-19. hringing whether o poen ight the Ane Roee t e d de fatalie world cod ngsly Te eied Ke pertme, te p i the pand e ed COVID vavine. ale hy Madora Inc The a COVE ighner days a hat. Hetae Aed late e we ing. The onii ded by e i o Pogrem he w the Cimity of Akaa for seven Teonty low public e pvile ." Hn d 57 s die int ag orive 20 e tal eds a e ed y i e This vi co eto e des tmde i e cedy he vi INDEX Acive Cmet icat pui ha Sports Jete he W epot Chanber Nes HSC Chritmas y Gareer. pram m pharmcy cnh noorined 2e aper wi e degannot vos doe of e vacine akeo Ce Koooved Cntmed cond ger vacinand Medical Sin aidwaa pewo Custed Comics Sudoku Stocking Su pg hk al Hui Tday Thismajorp r Reno pot ive ca heds are pest e the s 1.10 pdly pad C ed te ofe d p s e spra orivod e fonce made m. we. inge Newsroom or WEATHER SFONSORED BYI TUE - DEC 15 WED - DEC 16 THU - DEC 17 deliveryi 317.7523 REGENCY Apmhowe laces Pa Sumy Fax: 337-1226 FUNERAL HOME Did Sder Cher Reh, Oer 2a2 Wal Calentars a Pocket Panners kow hnilatle "54414'001517 2- IS S Mahen, Aa 41 29 47 28 52 31 Stay connected with your local news team! Malvern - DAILY RECORD Sarah Perry Michelle Cummins Re Avr Mn peryaraveonine com mdravetsingestoplbat net Kathi Ledbetter Coo Mn 501-337-7523 Mollie Moore Kim Taber Bane Ma aberbogalet Brandon Rimmer Coro Men compmdrsboplobal net ndtedsdopdatnet TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2020 SEE WHO THE ATHLETE OF THE WEEK IS ON PAGE 3 Things to See: Chamber News. PAGE S - HSC Christmas PAGE 67 Malvern HOT SPRING COUNTY DAILY RECORD Hot. Saring County's ONLY Daily News Source Since 19161 219 LOCUST STREET, MALVERN, AR 72104 VOLUME 90 NUMBER 168 www.MALVERN-ONLINE.COM 75 Organization hosts Breakfast with Santa event HAPTY HOLIDAVS The u ele tae id Se m lol chhes in b by Gas S S The CALLCtu Garn Spring Sering Cio ety ve deved eda th S n g eo elp Gris Mae rtle wihh a be te de he C C egh no pring The CALA tewide a hoes t pt n rm ce dile ed vole d fuilie n addn of hd ag er i Gelnd tr Gri Spring oties. During il The CALL he hy the et e tpide ed ie aile w r e we h ho oh pde entof ho d e The evetwd a ernt ele She elpod wi 10 ly mo Days till CHRISTMAS Reminder: Christmas dinners pe A n et Volunteers Paty Grigon wt Stey Herry fom Kem Memoral Unted Mehodet ww ne e coronient nd lpol ene ed y e ch poot Church in Malven help wth the Breskdant wth Santa event hooted by The CALL e COWD available Santa page foster care organiton or Garand and ot fpring County Business owner reflects on Small Business Saturday program Wednesday y Gs S By Gr e Sa S W Spralia on ber wis the pod conisted of-Ark prie package Dering e Sp Sal s Frist, Ctthe C F Main S. Pap grm Desig Ce Atrdahe e in he hine en an Yan Co, Coy t Vy h l nd bhansas yorh do Te help shineap do Manere dering the holiday s he Sal sie S day. Shop Small op avm ort pgra enceeded espoctatio u agc The Malver Dee Developme Corpoti hoed he ve Lor i Hulherg all e hasiness ie do wy s of gin Fashi, B F Thi To-G and in cenic te. ee's Cosige. Frchanein, i Reagia, D. Da and Ce Se divia vinitod cach pu The Pt Fee. B Two ded dm be Ma" Waledey epie g pm N SHOP SMALL ipting ine Cich Sporting Gode malete pe. Then w let siga h ka ing Dia er. dhe p Bing l ed ine oner. Hel- paupon ery h be eligte towin Shpen hen lun d hg skong wih all or the M G A peport w their d Malvere ai paklin de and conta inormation en havr pr COVD ic.i the lat tsines th they c pa nai e bow Mahom of Arkaa Yar Ce. elt honoed sbe diting witae apart of des spvil et imce opening ber t n downtoe Malere, he Moels han been a Meing Pichuredis Becky Spradn he wie e aeeportety package by partctingin the Smal Busness Set e ertoconne eve ihe cem y fa My Coo mene in e ty de noceary re hop SmalShop Malven Pansport ppg aamall son m Maherehe Saterday ster dowet menchat hat o condho merhant. Helbe Wae Chund Huh is l a Thakging nd he orga patcigd e Sall id al ie N A nlou l ve vited mil ding e Maves by their ere. ded pm d in r inotionoe Heheg alo added i co e Sars pre alled ali at Ne e . wih the commeity d ih potivity he ore than leed l d The m of the Viry bero de M S mghaid hon l ta r y i owmo evvop e that iee ppn S Shop Melvem give hack so at came imo cach e d. boport pgrm wld the gratlate ey s i Cpa Seopei e co y evetihe irlii i Helherg meimed, he putiripa and that d ol oh kwnome o y eses hat part pleere hening them First doses of coronavirus vaccine administered in Arkansas LIT ROKK, Fie hea wen, Per l Cer The vcines aived Depa i e. The an- Mae M taling e 's rpo peter BiNTh cor COVID-1 id 12 coVID priest ponoral, wee the tiee so be Mondag moing and tha nge in Aran nd he C nd the sate I Sprtng Coy Nambers Tol Cie Ca S2 Contmed C dey began al ing e of o id dring w der ie ew t ot de US. Ama Mae of de Mr vie a wd e Arka pd lter e de The oednd poe vi Te i e ahh Departmem. The d thie m c p acid She wi p Ketial, e depan le wken. 135 o ch ok. And la Akama TA7. Fnyew mo wock, the Food and Dreg peple a ded vi dele mem's aning diroctor f Heth Setetary D. am COVID-19. hringing whether o poen ight the Ane Roee t e d de fatalie world cod ngsly Te eied Ke pertme, te p i the pand e ed COVID vavine. ale hy Madora Inc The a COVE ighner days a hat. Hetae Aed late e we ing. The onii ded by e i o Pogrem he w the Cimity of Akaa for seven Teonty low public e pvile ." Hn d 57 s die int ag orive 20 e tal eds a e ed y i e This vi co eto e des tmde i e cedy he vi INDEX Acive Cmet icat pui ha Sports Jete he W epot Chanber Nes HSC Chritmas y Gareer. pram m pharmcy cnh noorined 2e aper wi e degannot vos doe of e vacine akeo Ce Koooved Cntmed cond ger vacinand Medical Sin aidwaa pewo Custed Comics Sudoku Stocking Su pg hk al Hui Tday Thismajorp r Reno pot ive ca heds are pest e the s 1.10 pdly pad C ed te ofe d p s e spra orivod e fonce made m. we. inge Newsroom or WEATHER SFONSORED BYI TUE - DEC 15 WED - DEC 16 THU - DEC 17 deliveryi 317.7523 REGENCY Apmhowe laces Pa Sumy Fax: 337-1226 FUNERAL HOME Did Sder Cher Reh, Oer 2a2 Wal Calentars a Pocket Panners kow hnilatle "54414'001517 2- IS S Mahen, Aa 41 29 47 28 52 31 Stay connected with your local news team! Malvern - DAILY RECORD Sarah Perry Michelle Cummins Re Avr Mn peryaraveonine com mdravetsingestoplbat net Kathi Ledbetter Coo Mn 501-337-7523 Mollie Moore Kim Taber Bane Ma aberbogalet Brandon Rimmer Coro Men compmdrsboplobal net ndtedsdopdatnet