FOR SALE McClure Danny Riggan Michelle Riggan 501-467-0824 Katie Black Lynn Lucy Darcy Parish 501-844-7136 479-871-5988 Real Estate 870-674-4094 501-337-0820 SERVING MALVERN, HOT SPRING COUNTY & SURROUNDING AREAS SINCE 1952 Thank You to all our Veterans for your service and your sacrifice! 230 S Olive Malvern 501-332-2777 R EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY REALTOR FOR SALE McClure Danny Riggan Michelle Riggan 501-467-0824 Katie Black Lynn Lucy Darcy Parish 501-844-7136 479-871-5988 Real Estate 870-674-4094 501-337-0820 SERVING MALVERN, HOT SPRING COUNTY & SURROUNDING AREAS SINCE 1952 Thank You to all our Veterans for your service and your sacrifice! 230 S Olive Malvern 501-332-2777 R EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY REALTOR